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In response to flagrant violations of the state's open meetings laws, the Washington Coalition for Open Government recently tweeted:

"The Washington State Redistricting Commission can't plead ignorance about the state Open Public Meetings Act. Assistant Attorney General Morgan Damerow briefed commissioners on the law Jan. 27. via @TVWnews Begins at 8:45


"Assistant Attorney General Morgan Damerow told redistricting commissioners the state Open Public Meetings Act 'covers all meetings that you folks are going to have.'


"Damerow went on to tell redistricting commissioners that the state Open Public Meetings Act covers not only final votes, but also such areas as their discussions and testimony.

"'This is a chance for the public to see the wheels of government spinning,' Damerow told redistricting commissioners. That way, the public can understand the outcome of the commission's actions.

"Damerow continued: Under pandemic emergency orders, when many governing bodies are meeting remotely, 'the public has to be able to, at absolute minimum, to hear and be heard through some kind of telephonic means.'

"We know a lot about WA state #opengov laws, and Assistant Attorney General Morgan Damerow on Jan. 27 gave the state Redistricting Commission good advice. Then, on Nov. 15, the commission ignored much of it.

"For the Redistricting Commission's benefit, Damerow posed the question: What if you get it wrong? He answered: Somebody could file a lawsuit challenging the commission's actions."

WCOG not only tweeted about the Commission's knowing violations of the Washington open meetings law, the Coalition "filed a lawsuit challenging the commission's actions."

The Kentucky Open Government Coalition is honored to work with the Washington Coalition for Open Government and to participate with WCOG in the National Freedom of Information Coalition — all, on a greater or lesser scale, putting action to words.


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