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Question of the day: Is a requester required to present proof of Kentucky residency to obtain public records from a public agency under new open records laws that took effect on June 29?

Answer: No. The new law does not require proof of residency.

A recent Tweet about open records training for the State Government Bar Association by Kentucky Open Government Coalition co-director Jeremy Rogers prompted this question:

Is an ID required to prove Kentucky residency in order to make an open records request under the new laws?

The standardized request form — prepared by the Attorney General under the new law — requires the requester to check a box indicating how s/he is a Kentucky resident as defined in KRS 61.870(10)(a) through (g).…

If a requester does not use the standardized request form, and instead drafts his/her own request, the agency "may require" the requester to provide a statement in the request of the manner in which s/he is a Kentucky resident under KRS 61.870(10)(a) through (g).

While some states, including Tennessee, authorize public agencies to demand proof of residency — resulting in inconsistent enforcement, confusion, and unnecessary delays — the only positive in Kentucky's new residency rule is the "honor code" under which residents and public agencies operate.……

In other words, Kentucky agencies cannot condition a requester's use of the open records law on production of proof of residency.

A Kentucky public agency's refusal to produce public records based on the requester's inability or refusal to produce proof of residency might, in fact, be successfully appealed under KRS 61.880(4) as a subversion of the intent of the open records law short of denial of inspection.

To avoid potential delays, a requester drafting his or her own request should include a statement that s/he is a resident and indicate under what part of the definition of "resident" s/he qualifies as a resident.

This one page "cheat sheet" from the Coalition's webinar summarizes each part of the statute defining residence and contains other useful guidance.…

The Coalition webinar PowerPoint contains this *sample* open records request with our recommendations for preparing your own request under the new law.


July 1, 2021

Dear Official Custodian of Records,

This is an open records request for a copy of the most recent audit of the Works Department which the members of the fiscal court discussed at the June 30 regular meeting. I prefer to receive the copy by email at my address,

This request is submitted for a noncommercial purpose.

I live in Kentucky and qualify as a resident under KRS 61.870(10)(a).

If the fee for copying these records is greater than $___, please notify me before making copies.

I look forward to receiving your written response within five business days of receipt of this request.


/s/ John Smith

A final word on the ill-conceived, ill-advised, poorly drafted, and largely unenforceable residency rule. Public agencies must honor any open records request for nonexempt public records submitted by a Kentucky resident. But there is nothing to prevent agencies from honoring a nonresident's request. Nonresidents will not, however, have an enforceable right to public records in Kentucky.


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