A report recently given to the JCPS board shows the extra cash budgets, or "activity funds," available thru fund raising for about 120 schools. The report confirms substantial disparities between the schools. That disparity “can have a great impact on the student experience."
In 2019, a public school advocate, Gay Adelmann, requested PTA fundraising records from JCPS. The district agreed to share them, as it has shared them with The Courier Journal in the past. But a private group, Kentucky PTA, sued to block Adelmann's access in Jefferson Circuit Court -- arguing that JCPS's PTA records contain proprietary information.
Jefferson Circuit Court Judge Charles Cunningham ruled in Adelmann's favor, declaring:
"It is essentially impossible to make plum and level an argument that it’s okay if our records are obtained by the newspaper with the largest circulation in Kentucky, but it poses a threat to us if a single individual obtains them.”
Rejecting Kentucky PTA’s claim that the reports are confidential or proprietary, Cunningham observed, there is “no evidence of insider dope lurking within the lines of [Kentucky PTA’s] balance sheet.”
Cunningham's opinion appeared to be heading for appellate review.
But Kentucky PTA thereafter went silent.
It failed to comply with the civil rules governing appellate procedure, prompting the Court of Appeals to affirm the Jefferson Circuit Court opinion in favor of access on August 21, 2020.
And it appears Kentucky PTA raised no objection to disclosure of the school fund raising information in the report JCPS made public in late May of this year.