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Public Records

Due process does not require an appellate court to lay out for inspection by the appellant, even in a capital case, all of the information in its hands from which it may seek perspective and guidance in reviewing the propriety of his sentence. Ex parte Farley, 570 S.W.2d 617, 1978 Ky. LEXIS 390 (Ky. 1978). Full Details

Application to Courts

If subsection (2) of this section means materials and data in the process of being accumulated, or which already have been accumulated, to the end that the court may select from it such portions as it deems pertinent for comparison with the facts of a case or cases to be reviewed by it, then a compliance with the statute would interfere with the court’s work. Ex parte Farley, 570 S.W.2d 617, 1978 Ky. LEXIS 390 (Ky. 1978). Full Details

Application to Courts

Some details of the Open Records Act present interferences inconsistent with the orderly conduct of court business, to wit, the requirement that courts adopt and post rules and regulations, that they conform to the procedure set forth in KRS 61.880, and that as to the accessibility of their records they adhere to the list of exceptions stated in this section, and such requirements will not be accepted. Ex parte Farley, 570 S.W.2d 617, 1978 Ky. LEXIS 390 (Ky. 1978). Full Details

Application to Courts

Some details of the Open Records Law present interferences inconsistent with the orderly conduct of court business, to wit, the requirement that courts adopt and post rules and regulations, that they conform to the procedure set forth in KRS 61.880, and that as to the accessibility of their records they adhere to the list of exceptions stated in KRS 61.878, and such requirements will not be accepted. Ex parte Farley, 570 S.W.2d 617, 1978 Ky. LEXIS 390 (Ky. 1978). Full Details

Public Records

The custody and control of the records generated by the courts in the course of their work are inseparable from the judicial function itself, and are not subject to statutory regulation. Ex parte Farley, 570 S.W.2d 617, 1978 Ky. LEXIS 390 (Ky. 1978). Full Details

Public Records

The materials compiled for purposes of reviewing death sentences will be open to the public and, perforce, to all who may be interested, as soon as the Supreme Court has the occasion and opportunity to examine and consider them, and until then they are in the same category as any other source of knowledge or information, apart from the record of proceedings relating to an individual appellant, from which the members of the court may properly seek assistance or inspiration in the formulation of their judgments. Ex parte Farley, 570 S.W.2d 617, 1978 Ky. LEXIS 390 (Ky. 1978). Full Details