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Presentence Investigation Report

A criminal defendant is not entitled to a copy of his or her presentence investigation report both at the presentence and post-conviction stages. Commonwealth v. Bush, 740 S.W.2d 943, 1987 Ky. LEXIS 264 (Ky. 1987). Full Details

Presentence Investigation Report

To conform with the “fair opportunity” afforded a defendant by subsection (4) of KRS 532.050, a defendant is entitled to being advised by the prison official who has custody of the presentence investigation report of the factual contents and conclusions therein and to a reasonable time to controvert factual information contained therein, but in order to protect the sources of confidential information, matters of opinion and comments of a personal and nonfactual nature shall not be revealed, and a defendant is not entitled to a copy of the report. Commonwealth v. Bush, 740 S.W.2d 943, 1987 Ky. LEXIS 264 (Ky. 1987). Full Details