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Opinion By: Andy Beshear,Attorney General;Amye L. Bensenhaver,Assistant Attorney General

Open Meetings Decision

Chris Hawkins appeals Green River Correctional Complex's response to his November 2, 2015, request for "1) document where nurse Rita Stevens documented a cut on my finger on 10/24/15 when I entered SMU; 2) documentation regarding my having a seizure in SMU @ GRCC and where the seizure resulted in my biting on a mattress; 3) test confirmations reflecting me having HCV and also Hypothyroid." In a timely written response, GRCC advised Mr. Hawkins that the following disposition was made of his request: "10-24-15, cut on finger does not exist. 9 pages given to [inmate] ." On appeal, Mr. Hawkins concedes that he "signed [his] name acknowledging receipt of 9 pages . . . but [he] didn't state that the 9 pages included everything that [he] requested." He notes that part of the "nurse's statement" that was released to him, and that related to the mattress biting incident, had been "torn off." Further, he expresses the suspicion that "there is more relating [sic] documents/documentation. "

Responding to Mr. Hawkins' appeal, Justice and Public Safety Cabinet Assistant General Counsel submitted supplemental arguments in support of the facility's position. Counsel explained that on November 20, Green River Correctional Complex Administrative Specialist Ann George notified Mr. Hawkins, in writing, that further review of his medical records revealed the existence of lab test results that might be "what [he was] seeking specific to 'test confirmations. '" Ms. George stated that the lab test results would be released to him upon receipt of a "money authorization (cpo) and medical records request form to GRCC medical records department." 1 Continuing, counsel observed:

A further review was made by GRCC Offender Information Staff after the appeal was received. Offender Information Staff again determined that the only other possibly responsive documents had already been provided to Inmate Hawkins in another open records request response and by security staff at the initiation of a disciplinary action and that no additional records existed. If Inmate Hawkins seeks additional copies of the part I of his disciplinary report and the day cell log previously provided, then he needs to explain why it is necessary for additional copies to be provided to him.

On behalf of GRCC, counsel asserted that the facility was not obligated to provide Mr. Hawkins with copies of records previously released to him and could not provide him with records that do not exist.

Responding to GRCC's supplemental defense, Mr. Hawkins objected to the belated identification of responsive records, arguing that the facility's records officer "should've provided [the lab test results and the entire nurses entry] rather than to merely offer to sell the records to [him] after [he had] to appeal her open records act violation." Additionally, he indicated that he "didn't request or even insinuate wanting another copy of a disciplinary report."

We find that GRCC's original response to Mr. Hawkins' November 2 open records request was deficient insofar as it failed to address each part of his three part request. Neither Mr. Hawkins nor GRCC describe the nine records originally released to him, but those records did not include an unredacted copy of Nurse Stevens' October 27, 2015, progress notes or a copy of the lab test results. The lab test results were located on or about November 20, 2015, eighteen days after his original request and eleven days after he initiated his appeal. 2 On November 20, GRCC agreed to provide him with copies of the lab test results upon prepayment of reproduction charges. The copy of the progress note that Mr. Hawkins obtained at an unspecified point in time and that he attached to his appeal contains a large space in which no text appears and the bottom inch to inch and one-half has been manually removed making the page raw-edged and visibly shorter than a standard 8 1/2" by 11" sheet of paper. GRCC's original response, if it included this note, provided no explanation for the ostensibly omitted information.

In Commonwealth of Kentucky v. Chestnut, 250 S.W.3d 655, 662 (Ky. 2008), the Kentucky Supreme Court expressed its agreement with "the District Court of Rhode Island's astute holding" that an open records request:

should not require the specificity and cunning of a carefully drawn set of discovery requests, so as to outwit narrowing legalistic interpretations by the government. A citizen should be able to submit a brief and simple request for the government to make full disclosure or openly assert its reasons for nondisclosure.

Chestnut, 250 S.W.3d at 662 quoting Providence Journal Co. v. Federal Bureau of Investigation, 460 F.Supp. 778, 792 (D.R.I. 1978) reversed on other grounds on appeal 602 F.2d 1010 (1st Cir. 1979). Mr. Hawkins submitted "a brief and simple request for the government to make full disclosure or openly assert its reasons for nondisclosure. " Id. 3 GRCC's original response reflects an inadequate search for responsive records and a failure to "openly assert its reasons for nondisclosure" vis -`-vis Nurse Steven's redacted progress note. Mr. Hawkins is entitled to a written explanation for those redactions with citation to applicable legal authority.

He is not, however, entitled to a copy of the lab test results before he provides the required prepayment. Mr. Hawkins was surely afforded an opportunity to scan the nine records released to him on or about November 9 and should not have "signed off" on receipt of those records if the records he reviewed, and for which he prepaid, were not responsive to his request. He cannot now substitute prepayment for nonresponsive records with prepayment for responsive records. Although GRCC's original search for responsive records may have been inadequate, its belated identification of responsive lab test results did not diminish its statutory right to require prepayment for copies. KRS 61.872(3)(b); KRS 61.874(1). Mr. Hawkins may obtain copies of the lab test results after he complies with the prepayment requirement.

Neither Mr. Hawkins' original request, nor this appeal, implicate disciplinary records, and any suggestion to the contrary only muddies the waters. We urge these parties to take appropriate measures, as set forth above, to fully and finally resolve the issues on appeal.

Either party may appeal this decision by initiating action in the appropriate circuit court pursuant to KRS 61.880(5) and KRS 61.882. Pursuant to KRS 61.880(3), the Attorney General should be notified of any action in circuit court, but should not be named as a party in that action or in any subsequent proceeding.



1 Counsel does not indicate on what date Nurse Stevens' progress note was released to him. In her November 20 memorandum to Mr. Hawkins, Ms. George states that she "provided [Mr. Hawkins] with the nurse's entry of [the mattress biting incident]" and that "no further record of any seizure like activity exists on this other" than that with which was provided on a separate unspecified date. The "nurse's entry" might have been included in the "9 pages given to him" on November 9, 2015.

2 Mr. Hawkins initiated this appeal on November 9.

3 This office has stated that an agency conducts an adequate search when, in good faith, it "use[s] methods which can reasonably be expected to produce the records requested." 04-ORD-242, p. 4, citing 95-ORD-96, p. 7. A request for tests confirming an illness clearly encompasses lab test results that were overlooked in the original search.


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Requested By:
Chris Hawkins
Green River Correctional Complex
Open Records Decision
Lexis Citation:
2016 Ky. AG LEXIS 3

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