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From the Kentucky League of Women Voters:

"Within the next few months the General Assembly is due to draw maps that will define Kentucky's congressional and legislative districts for the next 10 years.

"This much is abundantly clear: The legislative leaders who control the General Assembly in Frankfort don't want any advice. Not from civic groups. Not from outsiders. Not even from voters — you know, the people they represent.

. . . .

"The League of Women Voters of Kentucky and others urged the General Assembly to form a bipartisan advisory commission to gather public input into redistricting. We were ignored.

"Since then the League, along with other civic groups and individuals, has been advocating for an open and transparent process with public hearings throughout the state on the subject. That is not happening.

"Time pressure is mounting. The deadline for candidates to file for the May, 2022 primary elections is Jan. 7 – three months away. Yet the leadership of the General Assembly has given no indication it will hold hearings or solicit public input.

"Reports circulate that the GOP in Frankfort is intent upon paybacks for the mapmaking misdeeds of the Democrats in the past. And fears are mounting that Republican leaders will draw the maps in secret and introduce and pass them before the public has a chance to comment.

"It's against this rather bleak backdrop that the League of Women Voters of Kentucky, in cooperation with civic organizations across the state, has been hosting a series of public forums to discuss redistricting, offer potential maps and solicit public comment.

"Forums have already been held in Richmond, Hopkinsville and Bowling Green. Upcoming ones are scheduled in Frankfort (Oct. 14), Louisville (Oct. 18), Lexington (Oct. 21), Pikeville (Oct. 26) and Northern Kentucky (Nov.2). All are virtual forums except Louisville (in-person and virtual). For information on how to register for any of the events, go to the League's website:

"So please, take a little time and tune in to one of the public forums, tell us what you think would make for better maps and add your voice to the Kentuckians asking legislators to draw maps that give –

Equal weight to each Kentuckian's vote.

Each community equal access and power in the decision-making processes."


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