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Here's one that will ring some local bells.

In a records access dispute involving sexual offenses by student athletes, the University of Texas stonewalls (while other Texas public universities release similar records).

"The Statesman brought this case under the Public Information Act for one reason, that was to uncover records that had been unlawfully hidden from the public by the university."

Like the University of Kentucky in the UK v Kernel case, the University of Texas withheld the records in their entirety rather than redact (arguably) statutorily protected information. Lawyers for the newspaper argue, "You didn't give them anything. You just kind of told them go pound sand."

And a reminder:

"The University may find The Kernel's ORA requests burdensome and intrusive or even ill-advised but the University is not authorized to decide what public records must be disclosed and what records can lawfully be withheld. Those decisions are ultimately for the courts within the parameters of the ORA, and to facilitate those decisions the University must first fulfill its obligations to the public under the statute and this Court's ORA precedent."


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