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A fun Twitter thread so worth the read. With minor exception, all observations apply in Kentucky as well.

Our three working day deadline for agency response to an open records request is now five working days—based on a change in the open records law in 2021. There is no mandatory copying fee estimate if the fee will exceed $25—this is a great idea and requesters should feel free to include in their requests a stipulation that they be notified by the agency if copying fees will exceed a stated amount.

But most important, Kentucky's law prohibits agency inquiry into a requester's purpose in requesting public records (*with the exception of whether the request is submitted for a commercial or noncommercial purpose as defined at KRS 61.870(4)(a)&(b)).

"We state at the outset that our analysis does not turn on the purposes for which the request for information is made or the identity of the person making the request. We think the Legislature clearly intended to grant any member of the public as much right of access to information as the next."…


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