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From the Council on Postsecondary Education's report on Kentucky State University's financial and administrative crisis, under "Conclusion," at page 5:

"A culture of accountability, transparency, and compliance set forth and modeled by the KSU Board of Regents and executive leadership is key to ensuring that these issues do not reoccur."

Saying it must be so will not make it so.

Intensive open records and open meetings training is imperative *now* for the board and executive leadership — including legal staff — whose open meetings track record has been punctuated by frequent violations and whose open records track record has been punctuated by obfuscation and delay.

There's also the matter of the newly created Presidential Search Committee — a discrete public agency subject to both the open meetings and open records law.

Will the committee members be trained on their statutory duties under the open meetings and open records law? Or will CPE and KSU wait until the committee commits its first violation of these laws before they undertake meaningful educational efforts?

Equip the search committee, the board, and executive leadership — including the legal staff — with these basic tools for conducting the public's business.

Put actions to words.


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