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AN ACT relating to solid waste and making an appropriation therefor.
Summary of Original Version
Create new sections of Subchapter 43 of KRS chapter 224 to define "biodegradable," "contained in," "disposal," "extended producer responsibility," "EPR working group," "full cost accounting," "Kentucky Packaging Stewardship Program," "Kentucky Pride Fund," "packaging material," "packaging waste," "person," "plastic material," "priority waste control list," "producer," "producer responsibility fees," "minimum recyclable content standard," "sold," and "waste reduction target"; authorize and set a timetable by which the Kentucky Energy and Environment cabinet will promulgate administrative regulations to implement a program that internalizes the cost of packaging wastes to the producer of the waste called the Kentucky Packaging Stewardship Program; establish goals and considerations when implementing the program through its regulatory authority; authorize the cabinet to set waste reduction targets and minimum recyclable content standards under an extended producer responsibility designation made by the cabinet; authorize the cabinet to impose producer responsibility fees to pay for the disposal, recycling, or additional treatment of packaging wastes contributed to the solid waste stream by the producer; emphasize plastic wastes; allow the producer to reduce its exposure under the program by compliance with the waste reduction and recyclable content standards; establish goals for grants made under the Kentucky Pride Program using the producer responsibility fees; require the cabinet to characterize the waste stream, set categories for the types of packaging wastes, and place the top ten packaging wastes as prioritized by the cabinet under an extended producer responsibility designation; authorize the cabinet to set up a working group of producers under the extended producer responsibility designation which shall serve as an advisory group to the cabinet; amend KRS 224.10-620 to include packaging waste in the state environmental education program implemented by the Kentucky Department of Education and define terms; amend KRS 224.43-310 to include waste reduction targets and minimum recyclable content standards in the tools to reduce solid waste disposed of at landfills in the Commonwealth; include information about the Kentucky Packaging Stewardship Program in the triennial update on solid waste submitted by the cabinet to the Governor and the General Assembly; add the goals and priorities under the program to inform definitions made in grants and loans; allow for maximum disposal capacity limitations as a tool for achieving waste reduction targets under an extended producer responsibility designation; include in the cabinet's report to the Governor and the General Assembly information on the number and categories of extended producer responsibility designations, amount of producer fees remitted, waste reduction targets and recyclable content standards along with actuals for the review; progress in meeting the goals of the Kentucky Packaging Stewardship Program; and define terms; amend KRS 224.43-505 to authorize the producer responsibility fees to be deposited into the Pride Fund and allow for grants to be made from the fund in accordance with the goals of the Kentucky Packaging Stewardship Program and the Pride Program; allow for conditioning of grants and revocation and recovering of grants for failure to comply with the program requirements; allow for reimbursement of costs to implement the program above the $750,000 cap; define terms.
Introduced .pdf (91.6 KB)
Index Headings of Original Version
Extended producer responsibility, solid waste management, requirements
Extended producer responsibility, saolid waste management, requirements
Producers and retailers, packaging wastes, extended producer responsibility program
Extended producer responsibility, solid waste management, program
Producers and retailers, packaging wastes, extended producer responsibility program
Producers and retailers, packaging wastes, extended producer responsibility program
Extended producer Responsibility, solid waste management, program
Producers and retailers, packaging wastes, extended producer responsibility program
  • Prefiled by the sponsor(s).
  • introduced in House

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